(530) 550-9111

Children & Teens

Children & Teens

Kids don’t usually grow out of bad posture, they grow into it.

Being a kid can be rough on the body.  Growing is hard work and joint injuries are frequent. Often, kids have health issues that we would not know about without taking them to a Chiropractor: issues that may negatively affect their health later in life.  Falls and bonks, growth spurts, repetitive stress injuries (soccer, dance, etc.), chronic ear infections, learning difficulties, sleep difficulties, stress, ADHD, headaches, pain following orthodontic/dental work, digestive problems, sensory integration disorders and failure to thrive can all affect the long-term health of children—and all can be cared for with Chiropractic and craniosacral therapy. Subtle trauma throughout childhood will affect the future development of the spine leading to impaired nervous system function. Any interference to the vital nerve system will adversely affect the body’s ability to function at its best.

What happens to kids who never get adjusted?  Some kids have a lifetime of recurrent illnesses, but most kids…they are just “average” kids. There is nothing wrong with a child being average…if that is his or her potential!  

But what if that’s NOT his or her potential? 

What if the child was meant to be something more than average? Even if she or he is meant to be what some may call average, she or he will not even reach that level if his or her brain and body can’t communicate effectively with each other.  I think we all feel that our children are more than average, and that is the ultimate truth. The only way for our children to reach their potential in life is to have nerve systems that are free from interference so that they can adapt to and thrive with all of the physical, chemical and mental stresses they encounter each day. That way, their energy can be used to access higher levels of creative thought instead of just trying to get through the day. 

In other words, our children can have the best possible chance of expressing their unique life and spirit through chiropractic care. Everyone deserves the opportunity to express their greater potential in their own individual way.

We are all designed to be extraordinary!